black and white people
ok, my management professor claims that nothing in management, or in everything about life for that matter, may be considered as black or white, but colorful. i don't think so. that does make me a cold person?
see, i've always thought that there are no gray areas, that everything may be broken down to something basic, say a picasso painting may be reduced to its basic lines of vertical and horizontal, to its basic colors of red, yellow and blue, and its basic values of black or white.
if you ask somebody about abortion, it's either he's for it or not, not "it depends" which is the lamest answer i know. answering "it depends" only makes me think that somebody's morals can easily be compromised depending on the situation.
i dunno, but i really see everything in black or white. and because of that, i changed as much as i could in this blog to grayscale and not in full color.