friends' profiles according to moi
since the whole apartment complex where i am and the whole campus is under one computer system, we don't have YM. so i direct my friends to this blog where we can use that mini-chatbox on the left panels. and if you find the time to check out the archives, you'll have a picture of my personality and my friends' as well.
he's a friend who hasn't lost touch yet, amen. my connection to the philippines, my reporter, my text sender, what else? hmmm....
i honestly hate it when people call him babol, which is his last name. i mean, he has a name, you know, why call him with his last name. he isn't bush, or clinton.
he's my best bud :-) he has a few loose screws but that is part of his charm HAHAHA! if you wanna know my secrets, ask him.
ababibba-ababuena, she is hilarious! we used to have fist fights. seriously, we punch each other. we would sometimes show off our bruises the following day.
thanks to her work schedule, we find time to chat or to e-mail each other.
she doesn't know, but sometimes, i use her to gauge if what i am doing is still in the confines of the society's norms HAHAHA! there are times that i don't even know what is moral and what is not anymore!
i am sooooooooooo proud to say that i introduced him to alcohol. he was a beer, gin, vodka, tequila, everything else - virgin when i met him, and now, look at him. one shot of gin and he will tell you his inner most secrets. there was even a time when we went over a friend's place, got drunk, went home, then realized he wasn't wearing his shoes.
let's all bow our heads. it's a surprise he's alive today.
don't be fooled, she just looks like an innocent girl, but that's it. her relationship with kiel is like a rollercoaster - repetitive, breath-taking, sickening, exciting, has its lows and highs - and you'd still love to have a ride again... or at least watch from afar.
we met when i was like eleven and she was ten. i honestly don't remember that, but she does.
my sistah! she's an only girl, i'm mom's only boy, so we adopted each other, HAHAHA!
very loud-mouthed, she's a step away from being a raging fag. but that what makes divine divine. you would really need to know her to pass that facade that she has.