tu familia locos
just got back from the ranch, whew, what a week! where do i begin?
at last, after over a month of working my ass, i have my old work sched again which is just saturday and sunday graveyards. fortunately, aunt renee and the potwin gang are coming over the same week!
after work last sunday night / monday morning, i just slept the whole day. tuesday, dad picked me up from my place and started packing when we got to his place. we got this camper to put on top of the van, and it felt like forever doing that. we barely got sleep since marie prepared food and all that, had like a four-hour sleep.
wednesday morning, we went straight to the cabin and met with granpa ben who will perform a sundance. dad was dancing again, so marie, the kids and i stayed in the ranch. some of the kansas people were there already. larry aka hopkins aka hop aka eeyore aka uncle nasty was there, so is jessie with his new girlfriend brandie (i kinda miss the ex, melissa aka crackwhore, she was more fun), joe and uncle kelly aka whitt.

jessie fourwheeling by turkey creek
but there was some sort of a misunderstanding that we ended up going back to colorado city!
so thursday night and friday morning was just spent cooking and staying up.
friday afternoon, aunt renee picked us up and we headed back to the ranch. that was the same day that we went to granma rosie's ranch and check out the sundance. aunt berna, aunt priscilla and aunt noel were all there! them are my granma's sisters, and this is the first time i've seen them all four together.
dad was still dancing (they dance for four days, no food, no water. ain't that grand), so i decided to go ahead and do the flesh offering. granpa ben took four little pieces of my flesh from my shoulders. not too bad, considering i endured a half-hour tattoo. gosh, what else am i gonna do with my body?
anyway, that night was freaking great! i went to bed around seven to refresh myself, then got up at ten. i only had like a half a can of coors and hop was already making fun of me that i passed out for like three hours over a half a can of coors. aunt renee was like "shut the fuck up" and whitt was saying "hop, you haven't seen how drunk can ken be!" we sat by the smoker (big home made barbecue grill, pretty neat) since we were freezing our ass off... in the middle of the fucking summer.

marie cooking by the smoker
anyway, larry was telling us this funny story. there were three cowboys who were captured by this tribe of indians. and these indians were gonna chop heir heads of, so these strapping cowboys begged for their lives so the indian said that if they can whip out a nine inch dick all together, they can go free. so cowboy number one showed his, it was a four incher, so did the second one. so the third just needs an inch and they are free. so he did show his dong and luckily it was an inch long. so there were released and pretty much relieved. then the third cowboys said, "well thank god i had a hard on else we are dead" hahahahahaha!
after we finished like three boxes of coors (a box has like twelve cans) between moi, hop, whitt, jessie, joe and aunt renee, unc whitt showed up with an eight year old whiskey, which can't be eight years old considering he has the bottle hidden in the shed for the past three years. it was fucking good.

the aftermath. them coors ad it coming
i was floored after eight shots. but then again, it was just me, whitt and joe slugging that whiskey.

brandie the morning after
by sunrise, i am now whiskey ken to potwin kansas, ha-ha! which is better than pretty boy of kansas! it used to be my cousin josh who is pretty boy, but he got married the same year i came over to potwin, so i got his title passed down to me.
suffice to say, i had a great time!