dan brown
i have heard sooo much about this freaking
the da vinci code that i just bought the book when i got to LA.
i was never into buying a book that has too much commercial success that even a jeepney driver is familiar with the book. that kinda explains why i wasn't into reading the harry potter series. but the fact that my friend grace is also interested, well, i guess i gave in.
thank god i did.
i am reading
angels and demons now since it is kinda a prequel to the bestselling book. four hours stuck in LA waiting for my connecting flight to colorado springs zipped by. 180 pages later and two venti of caramel frapuccino, i am hooked.
it caught my fancy mainly because of my knowledge in science, art, history and religious studies. this is taking the anne rice books in a new level.
as much as i want to upload pics of my quick trip in the PI and telling stories about it, i think i'm gonna step back from the keyboard and read.
later, y'all!