i miss blogging, spreading to thin, bullshit and a pretty blonde
i still can't find time to blog. i just realized how thin i am spreading myself after talking to anna and russell (my groupies for this cost accounting shit going on). i have four upper division accounting classes, one art class, tutoring three students, a work study at the nursing department and of course, the night audit job at the motel.
i'm glad that the cost project thing is done in the mean time. had to take my notebook several times to school and do work in class (ate in was asking earlier why we had electrical sockets on our desks. that's why.). that is why i am offline most of the times lately. i used to just leave my place with my notebook hooked up on the net. anyway, the presentation went well. we had the shortest presentation. our strategy was to be concise, do not give out financial information, to wow them visually and to dazzle them with bull shit. i think we achieved all four. of all people who would dare ask me a question, amy did. she has got to be the prettiest accounting major student that i know of (my friend laura doesn't really count anymore, since she is out of the business school already). but by golly, she's dense. sayang. or maybe that was just an act, just to check if i know my financial ratios and ways to interpret them. i dunno. i'll try to grab a pic of her one of these days :-)
gotta go now, still have a cpa law test, 6 to 9 tonight. great.