i haven't said enough...
Sunday, December 26, 2004
  a booger story
tried calling bibba last night while at work, but i don't have her number. all my friends' numbers are at home and aside from my mom's number, the only other number i remember is hane's place. called her place up, alisa answered (hane's niece). was able to talk to hane for a good half an hour before she had call waiting and i was cut off (to her defense, she didn't pick up the other line but we ended just shouting to each other, "hoy, hane! hane? hello? hane? andyan ka pa ba?", so hell, i hung up).

the sad part of this is when i asked about the guys. apparently, they haven't met for a while, like since-i've-been-home-back-in-august in a while! she told me that they tried organizing a christmas get together, but only her, bibba and leo seemed to be eager about it, so they decided to drop it.

this is so freaking frustrating! it is so reminiscent of my last visit when they told me they haven't been together since i left the country. it was flattering when papa bidge told me that he went all the way from san pablo to meet up with us, when joel snuck out of military training school, when deej took some time out from the seminary, when leo quit his job to see us, when hane opened up the bank in a mall branch so we can hang out with her, but it ridiculous that they can't find time to at least sent text messages to each other. hane even told me that divine, her sister slash girl friend, didn't even text her to greet her a merry christmas! oh, divine did actually text hane to get angel's number, but that's it. and hane hasn't seen angel in three months! by the way, angel completes the hitad trio - ji (that's my hane), divineski, and angel.

sigh... maybe leo was right: i am the kulangot that binds us together.
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