one is the loneliest number
i'm lonely. no, i'm not, i just like the statement. i'm not trying to end the year in a sad note, i'm actually thinking of copying
abbie's survey post to cap the year.
but back to "i'm lonely". i like the statement because it kinda announces itself. it does not require an explanation. it's not like "i'm in love" which follows "with who?" or "i'm happy" which follows "why?"
"i'm lonely". lonely. lone. alone. "i'm lonely because i am alone." see my point? when someone says "i'm lonely", it states silently that it is because s/he is alone.
i think anything positive (e.i. "i'm in love" and "i'm happy") requires reinforcements. they need statements to quantify and qualify the happiness or the being-in-love-ness. but being lonely says it all. it does not require follow up questions, but rather emotions of sympathy or pity.
sigh. i love being a linguist. also dark humor.