cat fight
just caught one of my favorite episodes of buffy.
there's this ascension thing gonna happen care of the city mayor and he's gonna do it during his speech during the high school graduation. but the night before, faith shot an arrow and barely missed angel's heart, as she intended it to be. so they put a bandage over the wound and all that, he'll heal, he's a vamp. then he buckled. he was poisoned! can vampires be poisoned? stupid question. vampires don't exist. anyway, so that was the distraction since the mayor wanted the ascension to go smoothly. but there was a cure, a slayer's blood. and buffy was like, "if he needs a slayer, i'll bring him one."

so buffy changed to this leather outfit - red pants, black top - and went to faith's apartment. and had a cat fight... considering lions are cats, too. and they were really duking it out. then buffy stabbed faith. and the little bitch jumped off the roof top... i'm talking about faith... and landed on a moving truck! buffy didn't have a slayet to being home to angel! the little wench got away. and that's how the episode ended.