i make sure people think i do things because i'm fearless, but in fact i do things because i'm scared (moving to NY by myself, riding a rollercoaster, getting tattoos...).
speaking of tattoos, i have five.
since late this 2005, it's still hard for me to hear mass or go in a church without choking up.
i make it a point to keep in touch with old friends.
i like dry-humping. it should be a sport.
my length of sleep should be in even hours (like two hours of sleep, or four, six and maybe eight).
i cannot flip channels on tv with the channels going up, it should always be going down.
i don't know how to show my mom and dad that i love them without making the other one feeling less wanted.
i think ashlee simpson is hot.
while taking a shower or a bath, or doing the dishes by hand, i want the water to be so hot it stings.
i think i have a potential to be a good cook.
touching the back of my neck can drive me crazy.
like many accounting graduates, i have a secret desire to be part of the IRS.
i almost cried watching a walk to remember. ALMOST because i was with two girl friends when i saw the movie.
i feel bad for katie holmes.
i believe god is more understanding than all of us put together.
in filling up different forms, i always stop and wonder which box to tick in the "race" question since i'm more than bi-racial.
i also wonder how my cousins feel about that, since all my uncles and aunts (except unc eli) married non-hispanics.
i want to get lost in a strange place. like in the middle of europe.
when we were both in high school at the same time danny would usually check the hispanic box and i would check the native american one or vice versa. my mom made the school list us as native american. i usually don't know what to check unless it says check as many as apply to you. we never say white though and i know my dad don't like that!
my personal, emotional, intellectual, political, sexual, social, spiritual, scholarly, and childish rantings about anything conceivable by the human mind and felt by the human heart and soul.