was watching
ellen like a week ago and heard this new artist
kt tunstall and she's smoking.
she "records" her live performances. she said it could go horribly wrong if she started out the wrong way.
here's how she does it: she goes on stage with her guitar and a tambourine. she has this foot-work recording stuff that plays recorded things in a loop. she records herself banging on her guitar which creates a beat for the whole song. she then strums a rhythm which will also play in a loop with her guitar-banging. she records a few tambourine beats that plays in a loop too. now, she has a beat to play to. she then records herself clapping and singing "woo-hoo". not only she just recorded her back up beat to play to, but she also recorded her own back-up vocals!
and during her performances, she would kick her tambourine to create more back up beats, and even plays the "trumpet" with her slightly closed fist.
read more about
kt over at Yahoo!Launch and make sure to watch
black horse and the cherry tree.