i haven't said enough...
the dance
would you be interested in dancing with me?
and maybe tell me all your dreams
talk to me like you would in your sleep
don't censor anything
cause i wanna hear everything
there's no innocence left to spoil
you can swear she's not a little boy
we'll fly tonight so far away
where they will never find us
use your wings and i will run fast
cause that's what i do when i'm not afraid
we've got it made up in our heads
we don't have to wait for anyone or anything
go anywhere we desire
so close your eyes become blind
from the world listen instead to the girl
she'll tell you why she chose to fly
and you're left behind
just like me alone and free
we can smile when we've filled the void
and treated the burn
but until then i believe
we're gonna have to learn
to discard any disguise we're using
yes it's hard and it's never amusing
dan brown
i have heard sooo much about this freaking
the da vinci code that i just bought the book when i got to LA.
i was never into buying a book that has too much commercial success that even a jeepney driver is familiar with the book. that kinda explains why i wasn't into reading the harry potter series. but the fact that my friend grace is also interested, well, i guess i gave in.
thank god i did.
i am reading
angels and demons now since it is kinda a prequel to the bestselling book. four hours stuck in LA waiting for my connecting flight to colorado springs zipped by. 180 pages later and two venti of caramel frapuccino, i am hooked.
it caught my fancy mainly because of my knowledge in science, art, history and religious studies. this is taking the anne rice books in a new level.
as much as i want to upload pics of my quick trip in the PI and telling stories about it, i think i'm gonna step back from the keyboard and read.
later, y'all!
maes, out!
i dunno when i could find time to blog again, i'm getting ready for my trip right now. let's just say i'll be inactive til the 22nd, ok?
later, y'all!
raining hard in pueblo
it is kinda weird how it rained so hard here in pueblo. we barely get rain here, really. it's the way the city is located near the mountains. sometimes, the whole stae would be snowing, but pueblo can be pretty hot. anyway, here are two pics of pueblo raining, then stopped raining, in just between ten minutes!

raining, taken from inside my apartment

ten minutes after
great news
august 12, at 10am. ninoy aquino international airport, be ready.
this motherfucker is going the fuck home!
to those who know my mom, don't let her know. thanks.
this is sooo central perk
8:21 am
wireworks coffee shop
corner of abriendo and broadway
i am here in a coffee shop right now, just waiting for 9:00am.
this place is cool! it is basically a two-door garage with one door permanently closed, and then a some sort of an annex is built next to it. the annex has a bookcase of old books. and i love old books! the kind that is already yellow and gives off this musty smell. i wish i have time to read but like i said, i am just waiting for nine a.m. so i could go to this travel agency and buy me plane tickets.
i had a grasshopper mocha which is coffee with chocolate and mint, topped with whip cream, chocolate syrup, and nutmeg. i also had a slice of banana bread.
when i got my notebook out, this lady next to me asked if i was hooked in the net and told her not yet, and that i plan to get a pc card so i can be wired to the web when i go to places with hotspots (like this bookstore that i know of near i-25). then we got into this conversation about business, economics, politics, morality and religion and stuff! i can't believe i am having an intellectual discourse with someone i barely know who is obviously in the academe considering that she has at least five books on her table and god knows how many more in her backpack, with several legal pads with her and a highlighter. i was having a coffee shop moment! she even flattered me by asking how come i was up this early, drinking coffee, when most of high school students she know would still be snoozing right now. ha ha! she was even surprised that i work graveyard while maintaining a fulltime load at school. well, i guess that can be pretty impressive, ha ha!
sigh... i am having on great morning, to think just last night i was in hell. work was horrible last night - both my computers went dead, the credit machine acted up, i had to do everything manually and i hate doing manual credit card transactions because when the computers come up again, i have to enter everything to the guest list and call the credit card company to get approval for every credit card transaction i made so i could enter them in the motel system and all that. i was actually planning of cleaning up the office because it looks like crap but i wasn't even able to even wipe the desks clean because of my busy night.
but to hell with that, i am in heaven with my coffee right now.