ken being an ass
i mentioned amy before in a previous
entry and i wanna take it back. she's not as dense as i thought. she's okay. i realized that when this morning, i saw her in the math building, tutoring a classmate. as much as i hate assumption (except accounting assumptions, of course), i find her, er - can't find a better word - compassionate. maybe friendly. i dunno. i mean, she's helping out classmate with her math problems! ain't that sweet? i wish i don't know much in accounting, maybe she can help me out, haha! or maybe i can help her out, IF JAVAN TAKES HIS PAWS OFF HER! i don't like javan, obviously. puta, ang papel. even with the profs. buti sana if he's doing great in his classes, not much naman e. but anna, a friend, told me that javan is kinda pathetic. she saw him "begging" for amy's attention re: gmat stuff. dang it, i wish i was there to watch him go gaga over amy. it would have satisfied my recommended daily allowance of having fun watching other people suffer.

ain't she pretty?