i haven't said enough...
day two in school
i must say i enjoyed my first day back in school. still feeling intoxicated just thinking about yesterday being the first day of my last semester.
was in school pretty early to buy books, anticipating the long line. there was no line to talk about. i was in and out in less than five minutes... that didn't sound right. i'm not like that in bed. i don't want to digress. saw a friend of mine, nasarin, on her way in as i go out the bookstore, she's taking eighteen credit hours! i don't know how she's gonna do it... income tax, audit, CPA law, cost, advanced and one business management class - all in the same semester! i handed her a noose. saw david - er, his name is patrick, i just keep calling him david because he looks like my other friend, david keplinger, (he just had his second book published!
google his name) - too, so the three of us ended up yapping about summer and what to expect. me, being ahead of them two dished out what to expect from the professors i know that they are having this fall. thirty til class, we parted: nasarin to buy her books, david slash patrick to buy a tag for his car and me to the business school. saw debra, but i didn't want to shout out her name, so i tried walking up to her, but damn she has long legs, couldn't keep up, haha! she passed by the other building (i bet to get her schedule) so i thought i'd just wait for her in class. we always sit next to each other, because she has very intelligent questions that make me think. saw daniella, she is still goddam-oh-la-la hot. not to sound like a pig, but i don't mind having an eye candy in class you can rest and feast your eyes on every now and then. first class was advanced accounting and had this little game (corny), the prof handed out index cards with accounting definitions and accounting terms and we just need to find our match. i ended up with javen. i've always thought he was an ass, but he's from california, that explains everything. talked about summer, and it sounded like he had a blast. went to hawaii, stayed there for three months! got a job there in a resto in his second day which helped him with his stay there. he's back in colorado but he still wears his hawaiin print board shorts. my painting class lasted for about two minutes. maya handed me the syllabus and told me to leave, haha! she said we're big boys and girls now, being advanced painters and we only need to touch base with her every now and then.
today was kinda iffy though. i dunno this sanchez guy teaching, only he's from boulder - or at least his MFA is - and he's wearing a suit in this smoldering heat. i hope this class is not a total bore considering it's an hour and a half long... but then again he said he doesn't mind if we do our reading in class or bring our sketch books if we want to make ideas for our own work. that kinda helps since my advanced painting class is closely tied to contemporary arts. and i suck in contemporary arts. got out early today. yee-haw.
okay, i'm getting out of here, i'm hungry and they just opened this little coffee shop in the ground floor of the library. i hope they have good coffee here.
first day of my last semester
so this is how it feels - to be a senior AND to be a graduating student. i've been a senior since god knows when, and here it is, my last semester. my class ain't til 9am, but i still have to buy books for my accounting and art history classes. and there might be a long line in the bookstore, so i got here as early as possible. haven't slept since 5pm yesterday.
let's see... mondays and wednesdays, i have two classes: advanced (whatever that means) accouonting and the third painting class. i dunno what to expect with my accounting class since my former prof opted to not teach this class. arg. some new girl, todd her name is, is gonna teach the class. and i was in canada when she did a demo in our class, and i didn't hear any good feedback from that demo. i heard she's not used to teaching a "big class," wherever she came from, 30 people in a class is big. painting won't be a pain, i don't even have to be in school since we are like the advanced painters in class.
tuesdays and thursdays, got two, too: 2-dimensional design (an art class) and twentieth century art. kinda excited with the history class. paradox: history class = twentieth century art. i'm kinda good with the traditional paintings and the classics, all the way back to the 1500s, but my knowledge in art kinda stops at 1920 when modern art was introduced. can't wait to learn my contemporaries. 2-d might be boring, since i already learned a lot from dennis and maya's classes (drawing and painting), but maya assured me there are many things to learn and that they would help me better with my paintings. by the way, maya has been my teacher in painting for the last two semesters.
fridays: just my advanced accounting class, can get home early, which kinda works since i work friday nights.
sounds nerdy, but i'm excited!
empty journals
i keep journals. and when i say "keep", i mean keep. i don't write on them. somehow, the purchase of a journal is an enough satisfaction for me. i used to write on them, or at least one of them, the harry potter one. and i only use my favorite type of pen, too. parker, with one of them refillable ink types, like fountain pens.
sometimes, i write on the very first page. a line smack in the middle of the page. i like short phrases like damien rice's "so it is..." or usher's "this is my confession..." but when you turn the page, there's nothing to read.
each blank page somehow tells a bigger story, so big words on ink are not enough to anchor down these stories. each blank page begs to ask what happened to me that day, or how was the concert, what did you do in class, any new AICPA rulings?
i think i'll succumb again to my weakness and get me another journal tomorrow.
buy this cd. now.
i don't usually buy CDs unless there are at least three nice released songs in them, last night was an exception.
nickel creek's latest CD,
why should the fire die? i got it mainly because i just recently saw the
vid over at
cmt. which i raise a point: nickel creek's country? if you have the chance to listen, go ahead, and then tell me if it sounds country. i can see them as christian, even folk.
anyway, i got the CD out of whim and i am not sorry. i LOVE the album! has the greatest collection of songs.
when is rome is great, of course, being the carrier single and all that. loved the lines:
where can a dead man go? a question with an answer only dead men know. something more like you was just beautifully written. a great in-your-face song. makes me think: should you look for someone like you, someone who likes you, or someone whom you like? hmmm... kiko stops and ponders...

here or
here for more info about nickel creek).
how do i deal?
jennifer love hewitt
Every day I wake up to another day gone by
Nothing but the open road and the never-ending why
Anything can happen, yeah, but nothin ever does
I try to change, it's kinda strange, the same as it ever was, but look at us
How do I deal with you
How do I deal with me
When I don't even know myself
Or what it is you want from me
How do I deal with us
How do I know what's real
When I don't even trust myself
Or what it is I feel
And how do I deal
Every night, in the dark, I lie awake in bed
How am I supposed to dream, with all the static in my head
I turn in all directions and I pray for some relief
What can I do but feel the weight I'm underneath
And grit my teeth
How do I deal with you
How do I deal with me
When I don't even know myself
Or what it is you want from me
How do I deal with love
(Why do I) Why do I have to choose
And everybody's tellin me
What the hell I have to do
And how do I deal with us
How do I know what's real (Real)
When I don't even trust myself
Or what it is I feel
Now how do I deal
How do I deal with you (How do I deal with you)
How do I deal with me
When I don't even know myself
Or what it is you want from me
How do I deal with love (How do I deal)
Why do I have to choose
When everybody's tellin me
What the hell I have to do
How do I deal with you (How do I deal with you)
How do I deal with me (How do I deal with me)
When I don't even know myself
Or what it is you want from me
How do I deal with us (How do I know what's real)
How do I know what's real
When I don't even trust myself
Or what it is I feel
How do I deal (How do I deal, yeah)
How do I deal
How do I
How do I
How do I deal
How do I
How do I
How do I deal with you (How do I deal)
for leo
i need someone else to get a decent picture.
of denver, weddings, and skulls
ate i.n came over for a week of escape from work. the bunch (moi, dhe, marie and the four of the brat pack) picked up ate in colorado springs, went to granma's place, then fort carson to do a lil shopping for my cousin meg's wedding. dhe dropped us off at the
motel, got checked in and went to a tattoo place i know. the place was close, haha! ate was dying to have her skin branded, but looks like that won't happen that saturday. we decided to grab the chance again on tuesday, the 16th. watched the dumbest movie this summer,
dukes of hazzard. enjoyed it, which doesn't say much about my level of sophistication.
i had to work that saturday night, so ate had her rest while i slaved for the next eight hours. took a bus to denver, got lost a bit looking for our motel, then went to
elitch gardens. it was a blast! rode on rides i would never dream of getting on.

cousin meg got married last saturday, the 20th, to andy. see, where andy from, everyone is pretty much catholic, and it's a rather small place. you could pretty much run around the whole place in less than half an hour, and meg's place, potwin, is way smaller than that! the priest in the church even mentioned that chances are, no one can be found in whitewater at that moment. and during the communion, all the groom's side stood up.
the reception was fun! it would have been more fun if the kids were not hanging on to my pants and if i had a few drinks, but fun nonetheless. aunt elaine was there with the kids and granma. unc marty was there with cousin jen. unc whitt and aunt renee was busy of course, giving their daughter away. and they had the funniest giveaways - shot glasses! it says: i went to andy's and meg's wedding and all i got is this lousy shot glass. i took home five.
the dad-daughter dance was fun to watch. yeah, i know, it's sweet and all that, but seeing unc whitt cry was priceless. and then aunt renee and granma were also opening the floodgates.
of the "original" five cousins (josh and jen, meg and dan, and me), three are married. bachelors: me, 24, and dan, 19. if he gets married before me, i'll snap.

i painted dad's skull yesterday. he has this buffalo skull he got last sun dance that needed decorating. these bad boys can be sold for $600, and i doubt that dad is gonna do anything crazy like that.
had the medicine wheel right smack on the center, did a little cow print design. a was scared that dad would find it a bit... moo. but he liked it, so, no complaints here. had his name on it too, just like the tat i have behind my neck. the lakota symbol, the sacred pipe and the family staff completed the work. it looks good.
please vote...
which one looks better? this...

or this?

or maybe this one:
kiss and tell
got this ate i.n, and got curious. hmmm... i wonder how accurate these tests are...
Part Playful Kisser |
Kissing is a huge game for you, a way to flirt and play You're the first one to suggest playing spin the bottle at a party Or you'll go for the wild kiss during a game of truth or dare And you're up for kissing any sexy stranger if the mood is right! |
Part Expert Kisser |
You're a kissing pro, but it's all about quality and not quantity You've perfected your kissing technique and can knock anyone's socks off And you're adaptable, giving each partner what they crave When it comes down to it, your kisses are truly unforgettable |
----------Your Kissing Purity Score: 43% Pure |
 You're not one to kiss and tell...
But word is, you kiss pretty well. |
the shit i am dealing with right now
bus tickets, check.
motel reservations, check.
six flags, elitch garden tickets, check.
YOU are going to feed me in denver.
summer in progression (repost)
my class is almost done! this is the last stretch then we're gonna have our potluck on thursday slash critique. i'm gonna make sure to take pictures on the last day, the place would look like an art show opening! everybody is there, even from other classes, and we have other artists and faculty members too.
here are some of my works :-)

here's the still life we did. there's only four of us working with oil, and one dropped the class. i originally did this with a smooth surface, then sometime later, i decided to do impasto, and i think it looks better now. the resolution is bad (as with the rest of the pictures in this post, will use a digicam next time), so i'm not sure if you can see the reds on the blue vase. check out the turtle! it's a lamp thingie really. even if
others think the turtle looks pissed off, i still think it works. if i give it a title, i'll call it
pushed behind beyond recognition, why you ask. see that brown thing all the way behind? it's a guitar neck :lol: i tried to make it as analogous as possible (blues, greens and yellows), but i can not resist the reds and the earth tones.
santa lucia. this is our first open content. i was playing with the thought of doing a series on apocryphal saints, such as lucy here, but dealing with oils won't permit me to do such, considering it's a four-week class. i actually already have a sketch book filled with saints and research material, but there's just no way i could do it. the idea of legendary saints appeals to me: saints who weren't, just by virtue. cecilia and her three hacks on the neck, the charred and boobless body of agatha, ursula and her spiked wheel (look for her in michaelangelo's sistine chapel painting!), and here, lucy without her eyes.

a derivative painting of my favorite artist of my contemporaries, john currin. he's from boulder, CO you know, later on moved to NJ and now living in NY. my kind of guy, haha! i wanna follow this pattern too, of leaving CO, staying in NJ then eventually living in NY :-) check out the negative space, ain't it great?! :lol: and i love the my blue dark tones and orange highlights :-) this is actually three layers of paintings. i started with the witch of endor as depicted in the bible (thank you, my imaginative
mind), then painted dinah with tattered clothes like it was after the rape of shechem then decided that i needed a painting for our research :lol:

times square! pretty neat, huh? focus on colors in full chroma and paint handling. this is my final painting, it's about five feet tall and two feet wide. i loooove the tall format, lotsa movement if you ask me. i still don't know when to actually stop working on it, i'm scared to over render and eventually obliterate the work :lol: and check out the real thing:

oh, someone on the beginner's class came over me and said, "that reminds me of broadway." THANK YOU! at least it's recognizeable. the painting is at least more than half way done. i want to put like a white glaze on everything, especially the sky so i can push it back further, since that red patch really jumps out of the canvas. plus i want it to have this... haze. i think it's neat-o. we'll see what my classmates will say this thursday.